Clean Room System

Eco-friendly, energy-saving product incorporating IT

Clean Room System
As an indoor working environment and residential environment, cleanliness is the most important in a clean room where the purpose is to obtain and maintain cleanliness for the purpose of preventing pollution. In recent years, due to the advanced development of industrial technology, high cleanliness has been introduced in all industries. is required. AR presents CLEAN ROOM, which was created to keep dust and particulates in the indoor air to a minimum and to control indoor pressure, humidity, temperature, distribution and speed of air currents, etc. within a certain range.

Industry + Hospital operating room + Food factory + Laboratory animal room + Utility equipment

Clean room system installation site

operating room

Company S Incheon site


Company D Pyeongtaek site

ward room

Company S Incheon site

International standards ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 base

Precision Air Conditioner, Chiller, Specialist air conditioner, Air Handling Unit, Clean Room System, Dehumidifier, Humidifier, air purifier, Refrgeration specialized company