Energy saving Precision Dehumidifier

Eco-friendly, energy-saving product incorporating IT

Energy saving
Precision Dehumidifier
As a representative industrial air conditioning device that satisfies the temperature and low humidity requirements of various industrial environments, it provides a basic environment suitable for processing and preservation conditions in the aerospace industry, defense industry precision machining, electrical and electronic materials, pharmaceuticals, and food processing. do. Here, in cases where constant temperature maintenance is required in the absolute humidity section with a dew point temperature of 5°C or higher, cooling and dehumidification using the refrigerant evaporation temperature of the Refrigeration Cycle is economical.

Electrical and electronic factory + underground living space + underground charnel house

Dehumidifier usage by type

Use of constant temperature cooling dehumidifier

Electrical and electronic factories, underground living spaces, underground charnel houses, aircraft hangars, specially processed steel materials, museums

Use of combined thermostatic dehumidifier

Electrical and electronic materials storage, defense industry (ammunition storage), aerospace equipment and special materials storage, ice skating stadium

Dry room dry dehumidification use

A work environment that requires dew point control below -30℃, a production environment for lithium batteries and related materials, and a pharmaceutical production environment (cephalosporin antibiotics, capsule tablets, etc.)

International standards ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 base

Precision Air Conditioner, Chiller, Specialist air conditioner, Air Handling Unit, Clean Room System, Dehumidifier, Humidifier, air purifier, Refrgeration specialized company